

Employees are reminded that as "a professional or professional's delegate...engaged in the practice of education," they are required by 明尼苏达州esota 统计ute §§ 626.556626.5561 报告:1)忽视, or physical or sexual abuse of minors; 2) deprivation of parental rights or kidnapping of a minor; 和 3) prenatal exposure to controlled substances.

在明尼苏达州,未成年人是指未满18岁的人. Employees are not required to determine if an individual is a minor; however, if it is known or if there is a reason to believe that an individual is a minor, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.556 将.

The statutes may be accessed at Learning Resources or at the 明尼苏达州esota Legislature's 法律修订办公室网站.

授权的员工, 如, 但不限于, 医生, psychologists 和 counselors may also have additional reporting obligations in accordance with their licensing st和ards. They should consult their appropriate licensing rules, regulations 和 licensing board for guidance.

  1. 报告什么
    1. 对未成年人的忽视、身体虐待或性虐待; 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.556

      使受命的报告人了解或有理由相信某一儿童被忽视或受到身体或性虐待,或在过去三年内受到身体或性虐待的信息. (If death occurs, a report must be made to the coroner or 医疗 examiner).

      身体虐待是指任何身体伤害, 精神上的伤害, or threatened injury inflicted by a person responsible for the child's care on a child other than by accidental means, or any physical or 精神上的伤害 that cannot reasonably by explained by the child's history of injuries, or any aversive 和 deprivations procedures that have not been authorized under 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 245.825. 虐待不包括由父母或法定监护人对儿童进行的不造成伤害的合理和适度的体罚. 不合理和不适度的行为包括, 但不限于, any of the following that are done in anger or without regard for the safety of the child: throwing, 踢, 燃烧, 咬, or cutting a child; striking a child with a closed fist; shaking a child under age three; striking or other actions which result in a non-accidental injury to a child under 18 months of age; unreasonable interference with the child's breathing; threatening a child with a weapon, 定义为 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 609.02年,再分. 6; striking a child under age one on the face or head; purposely giving a child poison, 酒精, 或危险, harmful or controlled substances which were not prescribed for the child by a practitioner, in order to control or punish the child; or other substances that substantially affect the child's behavior, 运动协调, 或判断,或导致疾病或内伤, or subjects the child to 医疗 procedures that would be unnecessary if the child were not exposed to the substances; unreasonable physical confinement or restraint not permitted under 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 609.379,包括但不限于捆绑、笼化或链条.

      Sexual abuse means the subjection of a child by a person responsible for the child's care, 由一个和孩子有重要关系的人, 或由一个有权力地位的人做出任何构成一级至四级犯罪性行为的行为 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 609.342 - § 609.3451, Sexual abuse also includes any act which constitutes a violation of 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 609.321 - § 609.324 or § 617.246 (卖淫, 征集, 诱因, 或者促进卖淫, 从卖淫中获利, 或在性行为中使用未成年人). 性侵犯还包括威胁性侵犯.

      Neglect means failure by a person responsible for a child's care to supply a child with necessary food, 服装, 避难所, 健康, 医疗, or other care required for the child's physical or 精神 健康 when reasonably able to do so; failure to protect a child from conditions or actions which imminently 和 seriously endanger the child's physical or 精神 健康 when reasonably able to do so; failure to provide necessary supervision or child care arrangements appropriate for a child after considering factors as the child's age, 心智能力, 身体状况, 缺勤时间, 或环境, when the child is unable to care for the child's own basic needs or safety, or the basic needs or safety of another child in their care; or, 产前接触受控物质的定义是 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 253B.02年,再分. 2, used by the mother for a non-医疗 purpose as evidenced by withdrawal symptoms in the child at birth, results of a toxicology test performed on the mother at delivery or the child at birth, 或者在孩子出生后第一年的医学影响或发育迟缓,医学上表明产前接触过受控物质. 疏忽包括父母或其他负责照顾儿童的人:从事暴力行为,表现出对儿童福祉的无视,这种行为可能导致严重的身体伤害, 精神, or threatening injury or emotional damage to the child; engaging in repeated domestic assault that would constitute a violation of 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 609.2242年,再分. 2 or 4; intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily hare against a family or household member, 定义为 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 518.01,再分. 2, that is within sight or sound of the child; subjecting the child to ongoing domestic violence by the abuser in the home environment that is likely to have a detri精神 effect on the well being of the child; or, 造成儿童情绪功能受损的行为模式造成的情绪伤害,可以通过儿童行为中实质性或可观察到的影响来证明, 情绪反应, or cognition that is not within the normal range for the child's age 和 stage of development, 适当考虑到孩子的文化. 忽视还包括父母或负责照顾儿童的人长期和严重使用酒精或受管制物质,从而对儿童的基本需要和安全产生不利影响.

      Neglect includes truancy or failure to take steps to ensure that a child is educated in accordance with state law. 一个家长, 《博彩网站推荐》, 或临时, 或者是被授权的记者, has a duty to report if a lack of 医疗 care may cause serious damage to the child's 健康. Use of spiritual means or prayer for treatment or care of a child does not exempt a parent, 《博彩网站推荐》, 或者管理员从值班到报到.
    2. 剥夺父母权利或绑架未成年人, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.556

      Information which gives the m和ated reporter knowledge or reason to believe that a violation of 明尼苏达州法规第609条.25 or § 609.26 发生.

      明尼苏达州法规第609条.25 状态:谁, 用于下列任何目的, 限制或移到另一个地方, 未经本人同意的任何人, or, 如果是16岁以下的人, without the consent of the person's parents or other legal custodian, 犯绑架罪,并可按第. (1)为赎金或释放而扣押, or a shield or hostage; or (2) to facilitate commission of any felony or flight thereafter, or (3) to commit great bodily harm or to terrorize the victim or another; or (4) to hold in involuntary servitude.

      状态:谁 intentionally does any of the following acts may be charged with a felony 和, 在定罪, may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 6: (1) conceals a minor child from the child's parent where the action manifests an intent substantially to deprive the parent or parental rights or conceals a minor child from another person having the right to visitation or custody where the action manifests an intent to substantially deprive that person or rights to visitation or custody; (2) takes, 获得, 保留, or fails to return a minor child in violation of a court order which has transferred legal custody under chapter 260C 致公共服务专员, 儿童安置机构, or the county welfare board; (3) takes, 获得, 保留, or fails to return a minor child from or to the parent in violation of a court order, where the action manifests an intent substantially to deprive that parent of rights to visitation or custody; (4) takes, 获得, 保留, 或在与儿童探视或监护权有关的诉讼开始后,但在确定监护权或探视权的命令发布之前,未能将未成年子女从父母处归还或归还, where the action manifests an intent substantially to deprive that parent of parental rights; (5) 保留 a child in this state with the knowledge that the child was removed from another state in violation of any of the above provisions; (6) refuses to return a minor child to a parent or lawful custodian, 和 is at least 18 years old 和 more that 24 months older than the child; (7) causes or contributes to a child being a habitual truant 定义为 § 260C.007年,再分. 19, or is at least 18 years old 和 more than 24 months older than the child; (8) causes or contributes to a child being a runaway 定义为 § 260C.007年,再分. 20 和 is at least 18 years old 和 more than 24 months older that the child; or (9) is a least 18 years old 和 resides with a minor under the age of 16 without the consent of the minor's parent or lawful custodian.
    3. 产前接触管制物质, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.5561

      使受命的记者了解或有理由相信妇女怀孕并使用过下列任何一种受管制物质或其衍生物的信息:可卡因, 海洛因, 苯环己哌啶, 甲基安非他命, 或者在怀孕期间服用非医疗用途的安非他命.
  2. 何时以及如何报告

    口头报告应立即通过电话或其他方式提出. "Immediately" means as soon as possible but in no event longer than 24 hours. An oral report made by a m和ated reporter shall be followed within 72 hours, 不包括周末和节假日, 通过书面报告.
  3. 报告性质
    1. 忽视, PHYSICAL OR SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS AND 剥夺父母权利或绑架未成年人, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.556.

      报告应当有足够的内容来确定儿童的身份, 任何被认为对虐待负责的人, 忽视或剥夺, 虐待的性质和程度, 忽视或者剥夺举报人的权利,以及举报人的姓名和地址.
    2. 产前接触管制物质, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.5561.

      The report shall be of sufficient content to identify the pregnant woman, 使用的性质和范围, 如果已知, 还有记者的姓名和地址.
  4. 到哪里报到
    1. 忽视, PHYSICAL OR SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS AND 剥夺父母权利或绑架未成年人, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.556.

      (名单上的任何人都可以联系, 除非有人死亡, 必须单独联系法医)

      舍本县社会服务- (763)241-2600
      斯特恩斯县警局- 251-4240
      本顿县警局- 968-7201
      舍本县治安部门- (763)241-2500
      St. 云警察局- 251-1200
      法医- 259-3730(星期一.星期五., 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; after hours, call Stearns County Sheriff's Department) (if a child dies as a result of neglect, 身体或性虐待)
    2. 产前接触管制物质, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.5561.


      舍本县社会服务- (763)241-2600
  5. 免责责任
    1. M和ated reporters are immune from any civil or criminal liability that otherwise might result from their actions, if they are acting in good faith except for failure to make a required report or for committing neglect, 身体虐待, 或者性虐待儿童.
  6. 未报告
    1. 忽视, PHYSICAL OR SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS AND 剥夺父母权利或绑架未成年人, 明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.556.

      知道或有理由相信儿童受到忽视或身体或性虐待,或在过去三年内受到忽视或身体或性虐待的受托人, 而没有报告就是轻罪. Failure to report deprivation of parental rights or kidnapping of a minor is also a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is punishable by a sentence of not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $700, 或两个.

      一个人, 《博彩网站推荐》, 或者看护人知道或合理地应该知道儿童的健康处于严重危险之中,但没有按要求报告,如果儿童因缺乏医疗而遭受实质性或重大身体伤害,则犯有严重轻罪, the person is guilty of a felony 和 may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $4,000或两者兼而有之.
    2. 产前接触管制物质,明尼苏达州. 统计. § 626.5561.

      不报告是严重的轻罪, punishable by imprisonment for no less than 90 days 和 no more than a year or by a fine, 不超过3美元,000, 或两个. 


(320) 308-3203
