


The 未分类更改表格 is used to make additional payments to employees already in the payroll system, 比如重载, 加班日, 或者替代工资. 它也用于通知人力资源部门工作任务的变化.e.,重新分配时间.

  1. 过载计算为:

    基本工资x .0225 ×学分数. The current adjunct rate needs to be used if the calculation is under that amount (currently $1,每学分349元).

    例如:$67,588 x .0225 = $1,520.73 /学分
    $44,131 x .0225 = $ 992.每学分95美元(需支付1349美元)

    Normally total overload shall not exceed 5 credits per academic year (见IFO集体谈判协议)

  2. 加班天数的计算方法为:


    例如:$67,588 ÷ 168 = $402.每天31美元

    Be sure to include the dates of the 加班日 and also indicate on the assignment section the work that was done. Extra duty days may not be scheduled on a regular duty day (check the academic calendar for these dates). 总加班日数不得超过56天. See IFO collective bargaining agreement for additional days that may not be scheduled as 加班日.
  3. Substitute pay is for when a faculty member replaces another faculty member. Call 人力资源 to discuss the calculation process for this as there are many different types of scenarios.
  4. Current appointment change – this is used for reassigned time:

    Example: The employee is changing from 100% teaching to 75% teaching and 25% reassigned time. 薪水会保持不变, but the percent of time would be entered as 100% to 75% teaching and 25% reassigned. Indicate in the Reason for Change” what the employee will be doing for the 25% time and the date the change will be effective. 如果是两个学期,就写上“学年”, and if only for one semester enter “fall semester” or “spring semester”.

    This should also be used if an adjunct was hired for 3 credits fall semester using the Employment Request Form and now 3 credits need to be added to their assignment for the same semester. 在工资栏, 注明原工资, followed by the new salary and the percent of time would be entered as 25% to 50% and again indicate which semester. This form would only be used to change their assignment for the period of time that is indicated on the original Unclassified Employment Request Form. If originally hired the employee for both semesters and now want to increase their workload this form can be used. If originally only hired them for fall and now want to have the employee teach spring, the Unclassified Employment Request Form needs to be completed.


暑期班名册由研究生院维护. If the person being hired is to teach a summer session class and has been either fixed term or adjunct during the academic year, there is no need to complete an Unclassified Employment Request Form for them. The employee can be put directly on the roster without doing additional paperwork. 如果员工在学年期间没有工作, then an Unclassified Employment Request Form needs to be completed.


Requests for time off (sick leave, personal days) must be made through the 员工的家.

事假以全天为单位计算. If the employee chooses to use personal leave they will be charged a full day of leave (8 hrs) regardless of the amount of hours actually used. IFO employees are granted up to 3 personal days per fiscal year.

教职工病假以8小时工作制为基础. If the employee is out for a full day they will be charged 8 hours, 不是他们那天有多少课时.

If an employee is going to be out for an extended period of time because of illness or surgery, contact 人力资源 for important insurance information prior to the dates absent or as soon as possible in an emergency situation.

Bereavement leave is a separate type of leave, it does not come out of sick leave. The employee must state the relationship of the deceased person so it can be determined if the bereavement leave meets the criteria in the IFO bargaining agreement. 有关更多信息,请参阅当前IFO议价协议.


The Dean’s Office requests the promotion forms 来自人力资源部. The Dean’s office then releases the promotion information and forms to the faculty member and the EPT committee after receiving the faculty member’s request. The faculty member cannot receive the forms directly through 人力资源, 他们必须经过院长办公室.


The process for 促销活动 and Tenure involve two different sets of forms, the Recommendation for 促销活动/Tenure Transmittal Form and the Faculty Evaluation Report – Personnel Data Form for Tenure/促销活动.

The Recommendation for 促销活动/Tenure Transmittal Form will automatically be sent, 来自人力资源部, to the department chairperson for faculty members in their final year of probationary service. 这是一个4部分的表格,共3页. 如果主席, EPT committee or the Dean’s recommendations are typed on a separate sheet of paper – 确保包含4份副本.

The Faculty Evaluation Report – Personnel Data Form for 促销活动/Tenure will automatically be sent, 来自人力资源部, to the faculty members in their final year of probationary service. 这是一份6页的两部分表格. The faculty member can submit their information using a separate sheet of paper, 但这5个标准都必须确定 一定要包括两份复印件. 如果只提交一份, 人力资源 will keep that copy for the personnel file and there will not be one returned to the faculty member.

如果一位教员要求提前获得终身教职, they must submit a letter to the Dean’s office indicating they will be applying for early tenure. The Dean’s office then sends the forms to the faculty member and the EPT committee.

详情请参考 第二十二条、第二十五条程序 教务长办公室的人.


(320) 308-3203
